Spread The
We strive to offer programs and services within our company that will help people to grow, learn, and connect. Check out some of the ways we give back!
Spread The
We strive to offer programs and services within our company that will help people to grow, learn, and connect. Check out some of the ways we give back!
Give-A-Cake Program
The “Give-A-Cake” program is something Destiny’s Pops takes pride in. This program is a new initiative in our expansion for our new branding launch. which emphasizes the value we provide in our community! Which is something we take pride in. Through this program, it’s a way for our customers to also participate in our branding expansion as well. It’s an opportunity for them to feel a part of that initiative of giving a gift of sweetness to someone deserving.
Customers can be a part of this program by nominating someone deserving by telling their story, if they want to remain anonymous or be a part of the special moment.

Community Service
We believe it’s very important to give back to the community! We would love to offer our services to your organization by way of a few programs/services we offer within Destiny’s Pops. One of which is our Baking It Up Academy program. We would host an in-person or virtual baking class. The second is our Give-A-Cake Program; this is something Destiny’s Pops takes pride in. Through this program, it’s a way for us to offer our services free of charge or at half price to non-profit organizations. Lastly, with our service of mentorship, we love educating the next future business owners on the steps to owning a business at a young age. While encouraging them to follow their passions and to never give up in spite of any obstacles that may come their way.
We would love to spread the love to your organization!

Give-A-Cake Program
The Give-A-Cake Program is an opportunity to give the gift of sweetness to someone deserving!
The application window will open on the 1st of the month and end 1 week prior to the end of that month. Destiny’s Pops team will review each story at the end of the closing period and will decide who is deserving of the gift of sweetness.
After the team has selected the person deserving of the Give-A-Cake, the winner will receive a congratulation email notifying them that they have been selected by the nominator for our Give-A-Cake program.
A 6-inch cake will be given with the winner’s desired flavor and theme. The cake themes can be chosen. However, Destiny’s Pops will determine the final design.

The nominator will receive a congratulatory email notifying them that we have selected their special person for the Give-a-cake program.
The winner will receive a congratulation email notifying them that they have been selected by the nominator for our Give-a-cake program. In the email, the winner will need to confirm the event date/time and location.
A 6-inch cake. The cake provided for this program will have up to 30 servings and will be provided to the nominee free of charge. A 6-inch cake will be given with their desired flavor and theme. Cake themes can be chosen, but Destiny’s Pops will determine the final design.

In 2009, The founder of Destiny’s Pops heeded God’s call to follow her dream and turn her passions into a purpose driven bakery. Since
In 2009, The founder of Destiny’s Pops heeded God’s call to follow her dream and turn her passions into a purpose-driven bakery. Since then,

Hello Sweets! Thanks for visiting. We hope our story inspires you to pursue your passions and purpose in life just as the founder did!
Submit A Nominee

Learn More About Some Of
Our Non-Profit Partners

Since its founding in 1983, GRASP has worked to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity for continuing education after high school, regardless of financial or social circumstances. Quality education for all is imperative, and GRASP helps all students achieve their educational and career goals toward brighter futures.
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.